* Created by psymac0 on 5/3/15.
if(typeof module !== 'undefined')
var https = require('https');
var $ = {get: function(url, callback)
https.get(url, function(response){
var body = '';
response.on('data', function(d){
body += d;
response.on('end', function(){
* @namespace {{createGraph, loadGraph, Node, UID, Link, LinkType, Detail}} Psynth
var p = /**
* @type {{createGraph, loadGraph, Node, UID, Link, LinkType, Detail}}
* This constructor cannot be directly accessed, but instead should be accessed through the {@link Psynth.createGraph} or {@link Psynth.loadGraph} methods.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} params.name - The name of this Graph.
* @param {string} params.filename - The filename of this Graph. Must be unique to your Psynth server. This is assigned by the server.
* @param {string} params.username - A Psynth username authorized to access the graph.
* @param {string} params.key - A key which matches the username.
* @param {string} params.url - The base URL for your Psynth server. e.g. https://psynth.psymphonic.com/
* @constructor
* @memberof Psynth
* @example
* var g = new Graph({name: 'My Graph', filename: 'b8e1241a-c90c-46ca-a55e-6cbb9145ab19.gt',
* username: 'myusername', key: 'mykey', url: 'https://psynth.psymphonic.com'}
function Graph(params)
var theGraph = this;
* The name of the graph.
* @type {string}
this.name = params.name;
* The filename of the graph. Should end in '.gt'
* @type {string}
this.filename = params.filename;
* The username authorized to access the graph.
* @type {string}
this.username = params.username;
* The key which matches the username.
* @type {string}
this.key = params.key;
* The url of your psynth server. e.g. https://psynth.psymphonic.com/
* @type {string}
this.url = params.url;
var nodes = [];
var nodeIndex = {};
var links = [];
var linkIndex = {};
var linkTypes = {};
var details = [];
var detailIndex = {};
var queryQueue = [];
var transit;
var syncIt = function()
if(queryQueue.length > 0)
var q = queryQueue.shift();
$.get(theGraph.url+'api/'+JSON.stringify(idTag(q.query)), function(r){
r = JSON.parse(r);
if(r !== "invalid")
console.log(q.query, "failure");
transit = undefined;
var idTag = function(obj)
obj.user = theGraph.username;
obj.filename = theGraph.filename;
obj.key = theGraph.key;
return obj;
* All queries should be queued through this function to ensure that they complete in order. Not doing this can result in links trying to attach to non-existent nodes.
* @param {object} q - The query to be completed.
* @param {function} [handler] -Aan optional function to handle the response from the query.
* @example
* g.queue({query: 'drawgraph'}, function(response){console.log(response);});
this.queue = function(q, handler)
handler = handler || function(r){
console.log(q.query+" succeeded.");
queryQueue.push({query: q, handler: handler});
//console.log(queryQueue.length+" tasks remaining.");
if(transit === undefined || transit === null)
transit = syncIt;
* This adds a [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} to the graph, and returns the [Node]{@link Psynth.Node}.
* @param {Psynth.Node|object} node - Can be a [Node]{@link Psynth.Node}, or parameters with which to construct a [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} object.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the response from the server.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue this task to send to the server.
* @returns {Psynth.Node}
* @example
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* var n = g.addNode({name: 'Node 1'}, MyFunction); //n is a Node object
* console.log(n.name, n.radius);
this.addNode = function(node, callback, update)
update = update || true;
if(node.constructor.name === "Node")
node.graph = theGraph;
nodeIndex[node.uid] = node;
node = new Node(node);
node.graph = theGraph;
nodeIndex[node.uid] = node;
node.created = true;
var q = node.object();
q.query = 'newnode';
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
return node;
* Returns a uid-indexed collection of all [Nodes]{@link Psynth.Node} in the graph.
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.Node>}
* @example
* var theNodes = g.nodes();
* for(var uid in theNodes)
* {
* if(theNodes.hasOwnProperty(uid))
* {
* var n = theNodes[uid] //n is a Node object.
* console.log(n.name, n.radius);
* }
* }
this.nodes = function()
return nodeIndex;
* Returns an array of all [Nodes]{@link Psynth.Node} in the graph.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Node>}
* @example
* var theNodes = g.nodeList();
* for(var i = 0; i < theNodes.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(theNodes[i].name, theNodes[i].radius);
* }
this.nodeList = function()
return nodes;
* Returns a [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} by uid. Returns -1 if the node does not exist.
* @param {string} uid
* @returns {Psynth.Node|number}
* @example
* var n = g.node('b8e1241a-c90c-46ca-a55e-6cbb9145ab19');
* console.log(n.name, n.radius);
this.node = function(uid)
if(uid in nodeIndex)
return nodeIndex[uid];
return -1;
* Removes a [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} from the graph.
* @param {Psynth.Node} node - The node to remove.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue this task to send to the server.
* @example
* var n = g.node('b8e1241a-c90c-46ca-a55e-6cbb9145ab19');
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* g.removeNode(n, MyFunction);
this.removeNode = function(node, callback, update)
update = update || true;
var ind = nodes.indexOf(node);
nodes.splice(ind, 1);
delete nodeIndex[node.uid];
var q = {query: 'delnode', uid: node.uid};
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
* Adds a [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} to the graph, and returns the [Link]{@link Psynth.Link}.
* @param {Psynth.Link|object} link - Either a [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} object, or the parameters with which to construct one.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue this task to send to the server.
* @returns {Psynth.Link}
* @example
* var linkDef = {origin_uid: 'b8e1241a-c90c-46ca-a55e-6cbb9145ab19',
* terminus_uid: 'a287d501-2ee9-42e3-bfbd-2a41dff6ecda', type: 'Nitrogen', value: 14};
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* var l = g.addLink(linkDef, MyFunction);
* console.log(l.origin().name, l.terminus().name);
this.addLink = function(link, callback, update)
update = update || true;
if(!(link.origin_uid in nodeIndex))
throw "Invalid origin node.";
else if(!(link.terminus_uid in nodeIndex))
throw "Invalid terminus node.";
else if(!(link.type in linkTypes))
throw "Invalid LinkType.";
if(link.constructor.name === "Link")
link.graph = theGraph;
linkIndex[link.uid] = link;
link = new Link(link);
link.graph = theGraph;
linkIndex[link.uid] = link;
link.created = true;
var q = link.object();
q.query = 'newrel';
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
return link;
* Returns a uid-indexed collection of all [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} in the Graph.
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var theLinks = g.links();
* for(var uid in theLinks)
* {
* if(theLinks.hasOwnProperty(uid))
* {
* var l = theLinks[uid];
* console.log(l.name, l.origin().name);
* }
* }
this.links = function()
return linkIndex;
* Returns an array of all [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} in the Graph.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var theLinks = g.linkList();
* for(var i = 0; i < theLinks.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(theLinks[i].origin().name, theLinks[i].terminus().name);
* }
this.linkList = function()
return links;
* Returns a [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} by uid. Returns -1 if the [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} does not exist.
* @param {string} uid
* @returns {Psynth.Link|number}
* @example
* var l = g.link('a287d501-2ee9-42e3-bfbd-2a41dff6ecda');
* console.log(l.name, l.type);
this.link = function(uid)
if(uid in linkIndex)
return linkIndex[uid];
return -1;
* Removes a [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} from the Graph.
* @param {Psynth.Link} link - The [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} to remove.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue this task to send to the server.
* @example
* var l = g.link('a287d501-2ee9-42e3-bfbd-2a41dff6ecda');
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* g.removeLink(l, MyFunction);
this.removeLink = function(link, callback, update)
update = update || true;
var ind = links.indexOf(link);
links.splice(ind, 1);
delete linkIndex[link.uid];
var q = {query: 'delrel', uid: link.uid};
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
* Adds a [LinkType]{@link Psynth.LinkType} to the Graph, and returns it.
* @param {Psynth.LinkType} linktype - The [LinkType]{@link Psynth.LinkType} object to add.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediate enqueue this task to send to the server.
* @returns {Psynth.LinkType}
* @example
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* var lt = g.addLinkType(new Psynth.LinkType(), MyFunction)
* console.log(lt.name, lt.color);
this.addLinkType = function(linktype, callback, update)
update = update || true;
linktype.graph = theGraph;
linkTypes[linktype.name] = linktype;
linktype.created = true;
var q = linktype.object();
q.query = "newreltype";
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
return linktype;
* Returns a name-indexed collection of [LinkTypes.]{@link Psynth.LinkType}
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.LinkType>}
* @example
* var lt = g.linkTypes();
* for(var name in lt)
* {
* if(lt.hasOwnProperty(name))
* {
* console.log(lt[name].color);
* }
* }
this.linkTypes = function()
return linkTypes;
* Returns a [LinkType]{@link Psynth.LinkType} by name. Returns -1 if the [LinkType]{@link Psynth.LinkType} does not exist.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Psynth.LinkType|number}
* @example
* var lt = g.linkType('Nitrogen');
* console.log(lt.color, lt.max);
this.linkType = function(name)
if(name in linkTypes)
return linkTypes[name];
return -1;
* Adds a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} object to the graph and returns it.
* @param {Psynth.Detail|Object} detail - Either a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} object, or the parameters with which to construct one.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update=true] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue the task to send to the server.
* @returns {Psynth.Detail}
* @example
* var dDef = {
* anchor_uid: 'ec918bb1-7463-427f-919f-26fbe3760b6a',
* anchor_type: 'Node',
* type: 'link',
* x: g.node('ec918bb1-7463-427f-919f-26fbe3760b6a').x+50,
* y: g.node('ec918bb1-7463-427f-919f-26fbe3760b6a').y+50,
* content: 'http://psymphonic.com'
* };
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* var d = g.addDetail(dDef, MyFunction);
* console.log(d.anchor().name, d.content);
this.addDetail = function(detail, callback, update)
update = update || true;
if(detail.anchor_type in ["Node", "node"] &&!(detail.anchor_uid in nodeIndex))
throw "Invalid anchor Node."
else if(detail.anchor_type in ["Link", "link", "rel"] &&!(detail.anchor_uid in linkIndex))
throw "Invalid anchor Link."
if(detail.constructor.name === "Detail")
detail.graph = theGraph;
detailIndex[detail.uid] = detail;
detail = new Detail(detail);
detail.graph = theGraph;
detailIndex[detail.uid] = detail;
detail.created = true;
var q = detail.object();
q.query = "newdetail";
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
return detail;
* Returns a uid-indexed collection of all [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} in the Graph.
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var theDetails = g.details();
* for(var uid in theDetails)
* {
* if(theDetails.hasOwnProperty(uid))
* {
* console.log(theDetails[uid].content);
* }
* }
this.details = function()
return detailIndex;
* Returns an array of all [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} in the Graph.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var theDetails = g.detailList();
* for(var i = 0; i < theDetails.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(theDetails[i].anchor().name, theDetails[i].anchor_type);
* }
this.detailList = function()
return details;
* Returns a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} by uid. Returns -1 if the [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} does not exist.
* @param {string} uid
* @returns {Psynth.Detail|number}
* @example
* var d = g.detail('d5976550-551c-4489-a777-b8e839c75515');
* console.log(d.type, d.content);
this.detail = function(uid)
if(uid in detailIndex)
return detailIndex[uid];
return -1;
* Removes a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} from the graph.
* @param {Psynth.Detail} detail - The [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} to remove.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @param {boolean} [update] - Whether or not to immediately enqueue the task to send to the server.
* @example
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* g.removeDetail(g.detail('d5976550-551c-4489-a777-b8e839c75515'), MyFunction);
this.removeDetail = function(detail, callback, update)
update = update || true;
var ind = details.indexOf(detail);
details.splice(ind, 1);
delete detailIndex[detail.uid];
var q = {query: 'deldetail', uid: detail.uid};
theGraph.queue(q, callback);
* Calculates a layout for the graph, and updates all [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} and [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} positions.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @example
* function MyFunction(response)
* {
* console.log(response);
* }
* g.draw(MyFunction);
this.draw = function(callback)
callback = callback || function(r){};
var updatePos = function(r)
for (var i = 0; i < r.nodes.length; i++) {
nodeIndex[r.nodes[i].UID].x = r.nodes[i].X;
nodeIndex[r.nodes[i].UID].y = r.nodes[i].Y;
for (var i = 0; i < r.details.length; i++) {
detailIndex[r.details[i].UID].x = r.details[i].X;
detailIndex[r.details[i].UID].y = r.details[i].Y;
var handler = function(r)
theGraph.queue({query: 'drawgraph'}, handler);
* Creates a publicly accessible version of the Graph. Logs the URL where it can be found. It's important to do this after the final draw command is issued.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @example
* g.draw(function(){
* g.publish();
* }
this.publish = function(callback)
callback = callback || function(r){};
var handler = function(r)
console.log("Graph published at "+theGraph.url+'p/ublic/'+decodeURIComponent(r));
var x = theGraph.minX()+.1;
var y = theGraph.minY()+.1;
var q = {query: 'publish', x: x, y: y, scale: 1080/theGraph.height()};
theGraph.queue(q, handler);
* Finds the lowest x-value of any [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} in the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.minX());
this.minX = function()
var min;
for(var uid in nodeIndex)
if(min === undefined || nodeIndex[uid].x < min)
min = nodeIndex[uid].x;
return min;
* Finds the highest x-value of any [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} in the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.maxX());
this.maxX = function()
var max;
for(var uid in nodeIndex)
if(max === undefined || nodeIndex[uid].x > max)
max = nodeIndex[uid].x;
return max;
* Finds the lowest y-value of any [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} in the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.minY());
this.minY = function()
var min;
for(var uid in nodeIndex)
if(min === undefined || nodeIndex[uid].y < min)
min = nodeIndex[uid].y;
return min;
* Finds the highest y-value of any [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} in the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.maxY());
this.maxY = function()
var max;
for(var uid in nodeIndex)
if(max === undefined || nodeIndex[uid].y > max)
max = nodeIndex[uid].y;
return max;
* Returns the width of the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.width());
this.width = function()
return theGraph.maxX() - theGraph.minX();
* Returns the height of the Graph.
* @returns {number}
* @example
* console.log(g.height());
this.height = function()
return theGraph.maxY() - theGraph.minY();
* Creates a Node Object. While this constructor can be accessed directly, it's easier to use it through {@link Psynth.Graph#addNode}.
* A Node must be added to a [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} to be functional.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} [params.name=Node] - The name of the Node.
* @param {number} [params.x=1] - The x-coordinate of the Node.
* @param {number} [params.y=1] - the y-coordinate of the Node.
* @param {number|string} [params.shape=6] - The shape of the Node. 0 for circle, 1 for image, otherwise the number
* of sides. Can also be 'circle','triangle','square','pentagon','hexagon','septagon','octagon'
* @param {number} [params.radius=24] - The radius of the Node, in Pixels.
* @param {string} [params.color='dynamic'] - A color string (e.g. #FFFFFF). 'dynamic' will cause the node to color itself responsively with the user selected palette. 'static' will leave a node image's color unaffected. This is displayed as a Photo setting in the GUI.
* @param {string} [params.image='default'] - A url for an image to display on the Node. Requires a shape of 1.
* @param {string} [params.uid] - Defaults to global unique id.
* @constructor
* @memberof Psynth
* @example <caption>Adding a node in two steps.</caption>
* var n = new Psynth.Node({radius: 48, shape: 3});
* g.addNode(n);
* console.log(n.name, n.color);
* @example <caption>A more convenient 1-liner</caption>
* var n = g.addNode({radius: 48, shape: 3});
* console.log(n.name, n.color);
function Node(params)
var me = this;
if(params.name === undefined || params.name === "default")
params.name = "Node"
params.name = decodeURIComponent(params.name);
if(params.x === undefined || params.x === "default")
params.x = 1;
params.x = Number(params.x);
if(params.y === undefined || params.y === "default")
params.y = 1;
params.y = Number(params.y);
if(params.shape === undefined || params.shape === "default")
params.shape = 6;
else if(params.shape === "circle")
params.shape = 0;
else if(params.shape === "triangle")
params.shape = 3;
else if(params.shape === "square" || params.shape === "diamond")
params.shape = 4;
else if(params.shape === "pentagon" || params.shape === "pent")
params.shape = 5;
else if(params.shape === "hexagon" || params.shape === "hex")
params.shape = 6;
else if(params.shape === "septagon" || params.shape === "sept")
params.shape = 7;
else if(params.shape === "octagon" || params.shape === "oct")
params.shape = 8;
params.shape = Number(params.shape);
if(params.radius === undefined || params.radius === "default")
params.radius = 24;
params.radius = Number(params.radius);
if(params.color === undefined || params.color === "default")
params.color = 'dynamic';
params.color = decodeURIComponent(params.color);
if(params.uid === undefined || params.uid === "default")
params.uid = p().UID();
params.uid = decodeURIComponent(params.uid);
if(params.image === undefined || params.image === 'default')
params.image = 'na';
params.image = decodeURIComponent(params.image);
* The name of the Node.
* @type {string}
this.name = params.name;
* The x-coordinate of the Node, in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left)
* @type {number}
this.x = params.x;
* The y-coordinate of the Node, in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left)
* @type {number}
this.y = params.y;
* The radius of the Node, in Pixels.
* @type {number}
this.radius = params.radius;
* The shape of the Node, in number of sides. 0 for circle, 1 for image. 3+ for n-gon. Although shapes can be instantiated with strings at Node construction, they are stored as numbers for internal use.
* @type {number}
this.shape = params.shape;
* The color of the node. 'default' will make the node responsive to user palette selection. Otherwise should be in the form of "#FFFFFF"
* @type {string}
this.color = params.color;
* A URL for an image to display on the Node. Requires a shape of 1 to display.
* @type {string}
this.image = params.image;
* A unique identifier for this Node. This is what the node is indexed by at {@link Graph#nodes}.
* @type {string}
this.uid = params.uid;
* This is the [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} to which this Node belongs.
* @type {Psynth.Graph}
* Identifies whether this node has been created yet in the server.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.created = false;
* Attaches a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} to this Node, and returns it.
* @param {Psynth.Detail|object} detail - Either a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} object, or parameters for the constuction of one.
* @returns {Psynth.Detail}
* @example
* var d = n.addDetail({content: 'http://psymphonic.com', type: 'link'});
* console.log(d.anchor_uid === n.uid)
* //true
this.addDetail = function(detail)
detail.anchor_type = 'node';
detail.anchor_uid = me.uid;
if(detail.x === undefined)
detail.x = me.x+me.radius+4;
if(detail.y === undefined)
var num = 0;
var dets = me.graph.detailList();
for(var i = 0; i < dets.length; i++)
if(dets[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
detail.y = me.y+me.radius+(20*num);
return me.graph.addDetail(detail);
* Returns a uid-indexed collection of [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} which are anchored to this Node.
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var dets = n.details();
* for(var uid in dets)
* {
* if(dets.hasOwnProperty(uid))
* {
* console.log(dets[uid].content);
* }
* }
this.details = function()
var detsGlobal = me.graph.detailList();
var myDets = {};
for(var i = 0; i < detsGlobal.length; i++)
if(detsGlobal[i].anchor_type === me.type && detsGlobal[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
myDets[detsGlobal[i].uid] = detsGlobal[i]
return myDets;
* Returns an array of [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} which are anchored to this Node.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var dets = n.detailList();
* for(var i = 0; i < dets.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(dets[i].content);
* }
this.detailList = function()
var detsGlobal = me.graph.detailList();
var myDets = [];
for(var i = 0; i < detsGlobal.length; i++)
if(detsGlobal[i].anchor_type === me.type && detsGlobal[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
return myDets;
* Returns an array of [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} which originate at this Node.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var links = n.outLinks();
* for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(links[i].type, links[i].value);
* }
this.outLinks = function()
var ls = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.uid)
return ls;
* Returns an array of [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} which terminate at this Node.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var links = n.inLinks();
* for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(links[i].type, links[i].value);
* }
this.inLinks = function()
var ls = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.uid)
return ls;
* Returns an array of [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} which are connected to this Node.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var links = n.allLinks();
* for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(links[i].type, links[i].value);
* }
this.allLinks = function()
var ls = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.uid || linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.uid)
return ls;
* Returns an array of [Nodes]{@link Psynth.Node} which are neighbors of this node, by outgoing [Links]{@link Psynth.Link}
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Node>}
* @example
* var nodes = n.outNeighbors();
* for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(nodes[i].name, nodes[i].color);
* }
this.outNeighbors = function()
var ns = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.uid)
return ns;
* Returns an array of [Nodes]{@link Psynth.Node} which are neighbors of this node, by incoming [Links]{@link Psynth.Link}
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Node>}
* @example
* var nodes = n.inNeighbors();
* for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(nodes[i].name, nodes[i].color);
* }
this.inNeighbors = function()
var ns = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.uid)
return ns;
* Returns an array of [Nodes]{@link Psynth.Node} which are neighbors of this node.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Node>}
* var nodes = n.allNeighbors();
* for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(nodes[i].name, nodes[i].color);
* }
this.allNeighbors = function()
var ns = [];
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if(linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.uid)
else if(linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.uid)
return ns;
* @typedef simpleNode
* @type {object}
* @property {string} uid
* @property {string} name
* @property {number} x
* @property {number} y
* @property {number} radius
* @property {string} shape
* @property {string} picture
* @property {string} color
* Formats the node as a JSON-serializable object which contains all necessary information. This is mostly used internally to prepare queries for the server.
* @returns {simpleNode}
* @example
* var q = n.object();
* q.query = "newnode";
* g.queue(q);
this.object = function()
return {name: encodeURIComponent(me.name), uid: me.uid, x: me.x, y: me.y, shape: ''+me.shape, picture: encodeURIComponent(me.image), radius: me.radius, color: encodeURIComponent(me.color)};
* Updates the information for this Node on the server. This allows you to make multiple edits to a node while only making 1 server call.
* @param {function} [callback]
* @example
* n.name = "different name";
* n.x += 5;
* n.radius +=6;
* n.update();
this.update = function(callback)
var q = me.object();
q.query = "updatenode";
me.graph.queue(q, callback);
* Creates a Link Object. Although this constructor can be accessed directly, it's easier to use it through {@link Psynth.Graph#addLink).
* A Link must be added to a [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} before it is fully functional.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} [params.name] - The name of the Link.
* @param {string} params.type - The {@link LinkType#name} of this Link.
* @param {number} [params.value=1] - The value of this Link.
* @param {string} [params.uid] - A unique identifier for this link. Defaults to a global unique id.
* @param {string} params.origin_uid - The {@link Node#uid} for the origin Node of this Link.
* @param {string} params.terminus_uid - The {@link Node#uid} for the terminus Node of this Link.
* @constructor
* @memberof Psynth
* @example <caption>Using the constructor directly</caption>
* var lt = g.addLinkType(new Psynth.LinkType());
* var l = new Psynth.Link({origin_uid: n1.uid, terminus_uid: n2.uid, type: lt.name, value: 2});
* g.addLink(l);
* console.log(l.origin().name, l.terminus().name);
* @example <caption>A better 1-liner.</caption>
* var lt = g.addLinkType(new Psynth.LinkType());
* var l = g.addLink({origin_uid: n1.uid, terminus_uid: n2.uid, type: lt.name, value: 2});
* console.log(l.origin().name, l.terminus().name);
function Link(params)
var me = this;
if(params.name === undefined || params.name === 'default')
params.name = params.type
params.name = decodeURIComponent(params.name);
if(params.value === undefined || params.value === 'default')
params.value = 1;
params.value = Number(params.value);
if(params.uid === undefined || params.uid === 'default')
params.uid = p().UID();
params.uid = decodeURIComponent(params.uid);
* The name of this Link.
* @type {string}
this.name = params.name;
* The {@link LinkType#name} of this Link.
* @type {string}
this.type = params.type;
* The value of this Link.
* @type {number}
this.value = params.value;
* The {@link Node#uid} of the Origin Node.
* @type {string}
this.origin_uid = params.origin_uid;
* The {@link Node#uid} of the Terminus Node.
* @type {string}
this.terminus_uid = params.terminus_uid;
* A unique identifier for this Link. This is what is indexed for {@link Graph#links}.
* @type {string}
this.uid = params.uid;
* This is the Graph to which this Link belongs.
* @type {Psynth.Graph}
* Identifies whether this Link has been created yet in the server.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.created = false;
* Attaches a [Detail]{@link Psynth.Detail} to this Link, and returns it.
* @param detail
* @return {Psynth.Detail}
* @example
* var d = l.addDetail({content: 'http://psymphonic.com', type: 'link'});
* console.log(d.anchor_uid === l.uid)
* //true
this.addDetail = function(detail)
detail.anchor_type = 'rel';
detail.anchor_uid = me.uid;
if(detail.x === undefined)
detail.x = me.center().x + 10;
if(detail.y === undefined)
var num = 0;
var dets = me.graph.detailList();
for(var i = 0; i < dets.length; i++)
if(dets[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
detail.y = me.center().y + (20 * num);
return me.graph.addDetail(detail);
* Returns a uid-indexed collection of [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} which are anchored to this Link.
* @returns {Object.<string, Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var dets = l.details();
* for(var uid in dets)
* {
* if(dets.hasOwnProperty(uid))
* {
* console.log(dets[uid].content);
* }
* }
this.details = function()
var detsGlobal = me.graph.detailList();
var myDets = {};
for(var i = 0; i < detsGlobal.length; i++)
if(detsGlobal[i].anchor_type === me.type && detsGlobal[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
myDets[detsGlobal[i].uid] = detsGlobal[i]
return myDets;
* Returns an array of [Details]{@link Psynth.Detail} which are anchored to this Link.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Detail>}
* @example
* var dets = l.detailList();
* for(var i = 0; i < dets.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(dets[i].content);
* }
this.detailList = function()
var detsGlobal = me.graph.detailList();
var myDets = [];
for(var i = 0; i < detsGlobal.length; i++)
if(detsGlobal[i].anchor_type === me.type && detsGlobal[i].anchor_uid === me.uid)
return myDets;
* Returns an array of [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} which are parallel to this one, including this one.
* @returns {Array.<Psynth.Link>}
* @example
* var p = l.parallel();
* for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
* {
* console.log(p[i].value, p[i].type);
* }
this.parallel = function()
var linksGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
var ls = [];
for(var i = 0; i < linksGlobal.length; i++)
if((linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.origin_uid && linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.terminus_uid)
||(linksGlobal[i].origin_uid === me.terminus_uid && linksGlobal[i].terminus_uid === me.origin_uid))
return ls;
* Returns the Origin [Node]{@link Psynth.Node}, or -1 if the Node is invalid.
* @returns {Psynth.Node|number}
* @example
* console.log(l.origin().name);
this.origin = function()
return me.graph.node(me.origin_uid);
* Returns the Termins [Node]{@link Psynth.Node}, or -1 if the Node is invalid.
* @returns {Psynth.Node|number}
* @example
* console.log(l.terminus().name);
this.terminus = function()
return me.graph.node(me.terminus_uid);
* @typedef simpleLink
* @type {object}
* @property {string} uid
* @property {string} name
* @property {number} value
* @property {string} rel_type
* @property {string} o_uid
* @property {string} t_uid
* Formats the Link as a JSON-serializable object which contains all necessary information. This is mostly used internally to prepare queries for the server.
* @returns {simpleLink}
* @example
* var q = l.object();
* q.query = "newrel";
* g.queue(q);
this.object = function()
return {uid: me.uid, name: encodeURIComponent(me.name), value: me.value, rel_type: me.type, o_uid: me.origin_uid, t_uid: me.terminus_uid};
* Updates the information for this Link on the server. This allows you to make multiple edits to a Link while only making 1 server call.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @example
* l.name = "Best Friends";
* l.value = 8;
* l.update();
this.update = function(callback)
var q = me.object();
q.query = "updaterel";
me.graph.queue(q, callback);
* Returns the point at the center of the Link. {x, y}
* @returns {{x: number, y: number}}
* @example
* detail.x = link.center().x+10;
this.center = function()
var x = (me.origin().x+me.terminus().x) / 2;
var y = (me.origin().y+me.terminus().y) / 2;
return {x: x, y: y}
* Returns the LinkType object for this Link.
* @returns {Psynth.LinkType|number}
* @example
* var hue = link.linkType().color;
this.linkType = function()
return me.graph.linkType(me.type);
* Creates a LinkType object, which defines parameters for Links. It's easier to do this through {@link Psynth.Graph#addLinkType}.
* A LinkType must be added to a [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} before [Links]{@link Psynth.Link} can be created of that type.
* @param params
* @param {string} [params.name='Links'] - The name of this LinkType. Should be unique to this Graph.
* @param {string} [params.icon='img/link_icon.png'] - A URL for an image to display as an icon for this LinkType. Should be 24x21 pixels, with a transparent background.
* @param {string} [params.tile='img/link_tile.png'] - A URL for an image to display on the tiling sprite for this LinkType. Should be 100x21 pixels, with a transparent background.
* @param {string} [params.color='dynamic'] - The color for this LinkType. Should be a string such as "#FFFFFF" 'dynamic' will make the color responsive to user palette changes.
* @param {number} [params.max=10] - The maximum value any Link of this LinkType can have. Must be >= 1.
* @param {boolean} [params.sync=true] - Whether the icons should reflect the color of the line.
* @constructor
* @memberof Psynth
* @example <caption>Using the constructor directly</caption>
* var lt = new Psynth.LinkType({name: 'Positive',
* max: 10,
* icon: 'img/pos_icon.png',
* tile: 'img/pos_tile.png',
* color: '#1aa2d4'});
* g.addLinkType(lt);
* @example <caption>A better way</caption>
* var lt = g.addLinkType({name: 'Positive',
* max: 10,
* icon: 'img/pos_icon.png',
* tile: 'img/pos_tile.png',
* color: '#1aa2d4'});
function LinkType(params)
var me = this;
params = params || {};
if(params.name === undefined || params.name === "default")
params.name = "Links";
params.name = decodeURIComponent(params.name);
if(params.icon === undefined || params.icon === "default")
params.icon = "img/link_icon.png";
params.icon = decodeURIComponent(params.icon);
if(params.tile === undefined || params.tile === "default")
params.tile = "img/link_tile.png";
params.tile = decodeURIComponent(params.tile);
if(params.max === undefined || params.max === "default")
params.max = 10;
params.max = Number(params.max);
if(params.color === undefined || params.color === "default")
params.color = 'dynamic';
params.color = decodeURIComponent(params.color);
if(params.sync === undefined || params.sync === "default")
params.sync = true;
* The name of this LinkType. Should be unique to this Graph.
* @type {string}
* @default 'Links'
this.name = params.name;
* A URL for an image to display as an icon for this LinkType. Should be 24x21 pixels, with a transparent background.
* @type {string}
* @default 'img/link_icon.png'
this.icon = params.icon;
* A URL for an image to display on the tiling sprite for this LinkType. Should be 100x21 pixels, with a transparent background.
* @type {string}
* @default 'img/link_tile.png'
this.tile = params.tile;
* The maximum value for a [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} of this LinkType.
* @type {number}
* @default 10
this.max = params.max;
* The color of this LinkType. Should be a string like "#FFFFFF"
* @type {string}
* @default '#1aa2d4'
this.color = params.color;
* Whether or not the icons for this link type should reflect the color.
* @type {boolean}
this.sync = params.sync;
* The graph to which this LinkType belongs.
* @type {Psynth.Graph}
* Indicates whether this LinkType has been created yet in the server.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.created = false;
* @typedef simpleLinkType
* @type {object}
* @property {string} NAME
* @property {string} ICON
* @property {string} TILE
* @property {string} COLOR
* @property {number} MAX
* Formats the LinkType as a JSON-serializable object which contains all necessary information. This is mostly used internally to prepare queries for the server.
* @returns {simpleLinkType}
* @example
* var q = lt.object();
* q.query = "newreltype";
* g.queue(q);
this.object = function()
return {
NAME: encodeURIComponent(me.name),
ICON: encodeURIComponent(me.icon),
TILE: encodeURIComponent(me.tile),
MAX: me.max,
COLOR: encodeURIComponent(me.color),
SYNC: me.sync
* Updates the information for this LinkType on the server. This allows you to make multiple edits to a LinkType while only making 1 server call.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @example
* lt.name = "Pos";
* lt.max = 45;
* lt.update();
this.update = function(callback)
callback = callback || function(r){};
var handler = function(r)
var relsGlobal = me.graph.linkList();
for(var i = 0; i < relsGlobal.length; i++)
if(relsGlobal[i].type === r.rel_type.O_NAME)
relsGlobal[i].value = r.rels[relsGlobal[i].uid];
relsGlobal[i].type = r.rel_type.NAME;
var q = this.object();
q.query = "updatereltype";
me.graph.queue(q, handler);
* Creates a Detail object. Although this constructor can be used directly, it's better to use it from {@link Psynth.Node#addDetail} or {@link Psynth.Link#addDetail}.
* By using these methods, the Detail gets its anchor_uid and anchor_type automatically. It is also automatically added to the [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph}.
* Additionally, there are useful defaults for the x and y properties that can only be accessed by adding a detail directly to the object.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} [params.type=comment] - The type of Detail this is. Can be 'comment','link','video','image'.
* @param {string} [params.name] - The name of this Detail. This is not currently used for anything on the front end.
* @param {string} [params.uid] - A unique identifier for this Detail. Defaults to a global unique id.
* @param {string} params.anchor_uid - The uid for the object this Detail is anchored to.
* @param {string} params.anchor_type - The type of object this Detail is anchored to. Currently supported are 'rel' and 'node'
* @param {string} params.content - The content of this Detail.
* @param {number} params.x - The x-coordinate of this Detail in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left).
* @param {number} params.y - The y-coordinate of this Detail in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left).
* @constructor
* @memberof Psynth
* @example <caption>Direct use of Constructor</caption>
* var d = new Psynth.Detail({anchor_uid: n.uid,
* anchor_type: 'Node',
* x: n.x+n.radius+10,
* y: n.y+n.radius+30,
* type: 'link',
* content: 'http://psymphonic.com'});
* g.addDetail(d);
* @example <caption>Adding to an existing object</caption>
* var d = n.addDetail({content: 'http://psymphonic.com', type: 'link'});
function Detail(params)
var me = this;
if(params.type === undefined || params.type === "default")
params.type = "comment";
params.type = decodeURIComponent(params.type);
if(params.name === undefined || params.name === "default")
params.name = params.type
params.name = decodeURIComponent(params.name);
if(params.uid === undefined || params.uid === "default")
params.uid = p().UID();
params.uid = decodeURIComponent(params.uid);
params.anchor_uid = decodeURIComponent(params.anchor_uid);
params.anchor_type = decodeURIComponent(params.anchor_type);
params.content = decodeURIComponent(params.content);
* The name of this Detail. Not currently used for anything on the front end.
* @type {string}
this.name = params.name;
* The type of Detail this. 'comment', 'link', 'image', 'video'
* @type {string}
* @default 'comment'
this.type = params.type;
* The uid of the object this Detail is anchored to.
* @type {string}
this.anchor_uid = params.anchor_uid;
* The type of object this Detail is anchored to. 'node', 'rel'
* @type {string}
this.anchor_type = params.anchor_type;
* A unique identifier for this Detail. This is what is indexed at {@link Graph#details}, {@link Node#details}, and {@link Link#details}
* @type {string}
this.uid = params.uid;
* The content of this Detail.
* @type {string}
this.content = params.content;
* The x-coordinate of this Detail in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left).
* @type {number}
this.x = Number(params.x);
* The y-coordinate of this Detail in Pixels. Assumes web-standard grid with (0,0) at (top,left).
* @type {number}
this.y = Number(params.y);
* The [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} to which this Detail belongs.
* @type {Psynth.Graph}
* Indicates whether this Detail has been created yet in the server.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.created = false;
* Returns the [Node]{@link Psynth.Node} or [Link]{@link Psynth.Link} that this Detail is anchored to. Returns -1 if the anchor is invalid.
* @returns {Psynth.Node|Psynth.Link|Number}
* @example
* console.log(d.anchor().name);
this.anchor = function()
if(me.anchor_type === "node")
return me.graph.node(me.anchor_uid);
else if(me.anchor_type === "rel")
return me.graph.link(me.anchor_uid);
* @typedef simpleDetail
* @type {object}
* @property {string} anchor_uid
* @property {string} anchor_type
* @property {string} uid
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} content
* @property {string} type
* @property {number} x
* @property {number} y
* Formats the Detail as a JSON-serializable object which contains all necessary information. This is mostly used internally to prepare queries for the server.
* @returns {simpleDetail} object
* @example
* var q = d.object();
* q.query = "newdetail";
* g.queue(q);
this.object = function()
return {anchor_uid: me.anchor_uid, anchor_type: me.anchor_type, uid: me.uid, name: encodeURIComponent(me.name), content: encodeURIComponent(me.content), type: me.type, x: me.x, y: me.y};
* Updates the information for this Detail on the server. This allows you to make multiple edits to a Link while only making 1 server call.
* @param {function} [callback] - An optional function to handle the server response.
* @example
* d.content = "www.opensecrets.org";
* d.y += 20;
* d.update();
this.update = function(callback)
var q = me.object();
q.query = "updatedetail";
me.graph.queue(q, callback);
return {
* Creates a new [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph}, and returns it to a callback function.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} params.url - The base URL for your Psynth server. e.g. https://psynth.psymphonic.com/
* @param {string} params.username - Your Psynth username.
* @param {string} params.key - Your Psynth api key.
* @param {string} params.name - The name of the the new Graph.
* @param {function} handler - A callback function that will receive the Graph when it is returned from the server.
* @memberof Psynth
* @example
* var graphParameters = {name: 'test map',username: 'myusername',
* key: 'mykey', url: 'https://psynth.psymphonic.com/'};
* function MyFunction(graph){
* //your code
* }
* Psynth.createGraph(graphParameters, MyFunction);
createGraph: function(params, handler)
var g = new Graph(params);
var q = {query: 'createmap', user: g.username, key: g.key, name: g.name};
$.get(g.url + 'api/'+JSON.stringify(q), function(r){
r = JSON.parse(r);
g.filename = r.filename;
* Loads a [Graph]{@link Psynth.Graph} by filename, and returns it to a callback function.
* @param params
* @param {string} params.url - The base URL for your Psynth server. e.g. https://psynth.psymphonic.com/
* @param {string} params.username - Your Psynth username.
* @param {string} params.key - Your Psynth api key.
* @param {string} params.filename - The filename of the the Graph to load.
* @param {function} handler - A callback function that will receive the Graph when it is returned from the server.
* @memberof Psynth
* @example
* var graphParameters = {filename: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.gt',username: 'myusername',
* key: 'mykey', url: 'https://psynth.psymphonic.com/'};
* function MyFunction(graph){
* //your code
* }
* Psynth.loadGraph(graphParameters, MyFunction);
loadGraph: function(params, handler)
var g = new Graph(params);
$.get(g.url+'api/'+JSON.stringify({query: 'getwholegraph', filename: g.filename, user: g.username, key: g.key}), function(e)
e = JSON.parse(e);
if(e !== undefined)
g.name = e.name;
for(var i = 0; i < e.rel_types.length; i++)
g.addLinkType(new LinkType({
name: e.rel_types[i].NAME,
max: e.rel_types[i].MAX,
icon: e.rel_types[i].ICON,
tile: e.rel_types[i].TILE,
color: e.rel_types[i].COLOR,
sync: e.rel_types[i].SYNC
}), undefined, false)
for(var i = 0; i < e.nodes.length; i++)
name: e.nodes[i].NAME,
x: e.nodes[i].X,
y: e.nodes[i].Y,
shape: e.nodes[i].SHAPE,
radius: e.nodes[i].RADIUS,
color: e.nodes[i].COLOR,
image: e.nodes[i].PICTURE,
uid: e.nodes[i].UID
}, undefined, false);
for(var i = 0; i < e.rels.length; i++)
name: e.rels[i].NAME,
type: e.rels[i].TYPE,
value: e.rels[i].VALUE,
origin_uid: e.rels[i].ORIGIN,
terminus_uid: e.rels[i].TERMINUS,
uid: e.rels[i].UID
}, undefined, false);
for(var i = 0; i < e.details.length; i++)
name: e.details[i].NAME,
type: e.details[i].TYPE,
anchor_uid: e.details[i].ANCHOR_UID,
anchor_type: e.details[i].ANCHOR_TYPE,
content: e.details[i].CONTENT,
uid: e.details[i].UID,
x: e.details[i].X,
y: e.details[i].Y
}, undefined, false);
Node: function(params)
return new Node(params);
* Returns a global unique identifier of format 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
* @memberof Psynth
* @returns {string}
* @example
* var uid = p().UID();
* //uid === 'b8e1241a-c90c-46ca-a55e-6cbb9145ab19'
UID: function(){
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16)
Link: function(params)
return new Link(params);
LinkType: function(params)
return new LinkType(params);
Detail: function(params)
return new Detail(params);
if(typeof module === 'undefined')
console.log('window mode');
window.Psynth = p();
else if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports)
console.log('node mode');
module.exports = p();